We are delighted to inform that the Arran Development Trust has been approved by Scottish Ministers as a Rural Housing Body. This designation will take effect from 30thJune 2019 and it is now making its way through the final stages of the parliamentary process.
Rural Housing Body Status enables the Arran Development Trust to insert a Rural Housing Burden on the Title Deeds of land and buildings to ensure they are utilised only as principal residences and not as second or holiday homes and by doing so, it will enable the ADT to ensure the new homes built/self-build plots remain affordable in perpetuity. It also extends the right of pre-emption ... which allows the ADT to purchase land or buildings first, if it/they are identified by the ADT as being of benefit to the Arran community.
May I take this opportunity on behalf of the ADT Board to thank all those members and businesses who took part in the process and spoke so eloquently and positively in favour of this unique designation. It is so very much appreciated and will have a hugely positive impact on the future of the community and sustainability of Arran.