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Based on the Island, Arran Community and Voluntary Service are a charity organisation, and partners in the Third Sector Interface (TSI) North Ayrshire with The Ayrshire Community Trust.

The Third Sector comprises of not for profit organisations and associations, including charities, social enterprise, voluntary and community groups and the TSI provide a single point of access for support and advice locally. There are 32 TSIs across Scotland.

The partnership entered into a funding agreement with the Scottish Government. Following a recent review of outcomes, the funded roles are as follows:

  1. Connect the Third Sector to respond to local priorities
  2. Build capacity of volunteering, community groups, voluntary organisations and social enterprise to achieve positive change
  3. Voice for the third sector at a strategic level in local planning structures and nationally
  4. Central source of knowledge for third sector locally

Both organisations have lead officer responsibilities across North Ayrshire and Arran (regardless of geography). Arran CVS are the third sector point of contact for issues relating to Health and Social Care, Children’s Services and Locality Planning.

Arran CVS works with emerging and established community groups to help ensure that local needs and issues are met. We can help with the setting up of a new group and everything from legislative advice through to engaging with volunteers and the community. We are a membership organisation and office services are provided for groups and public users. Through quarterly forums held locally we provide networking opportunities, training and funding information, generally one organisation is asked to showcase their work at each forum. There is also a chance to share any new or topical information from Health and Social Care and Community Planning Partners.

We deliver local based training arrangements, where possible, addressing travel barriers that may be encountered by volunteers. Our partners offer monthly funding surgeries and funding opportunities are shared via our TSI newsletter.

Arran CVS are keen to support and promote the diverse range of volunteering opportunities that provide benefits to both the volunteers in our community and the organisations they work with. As a partnership we have recently drafted a Volunteering Strategy for North Ayrshire & Arran which is due to be published soon. A volunteer newsletter is prepared and distributed quarterly, each one features a volunteer story and promotes current activities available. A PVG disclosure service is provided for all our local charity and organisational volunteers should it be required.

Our organisation employs two Community Link Workers, one on Arran and one in North Ayrshire. Their role is to support and enable people in the community to find local solutions, through a process called social prescribing, to non-medical issues which may affect their wellbeing. The link workers hold appointments in the medical centre and anyone can self-refer to the service. They also link in with community organisations which promote wellbeing to address gaps for any social needs in their locality.

Aside from our funded role Arran CVS often hosts project work to bridge gaps in Island provision, this is done in absence of other suitable hosts and where there is a need to be met.

If you are interested in volunteering for any of the above worthwhile activities or wish to know more about other opportunities, please pop in and see our friendly team or call 01770 600611.


Several projects are currently supported by Arran CVS, these were started with small pots of funding and run on minimum reserve to address social needs within the Community. They are;

  • What’s on guide for older people:

    A paper and online booklet with up to date information on social, physical and fun activities. The guides are distributed to library, waiting rooms and other public areas, they are also available from our office in Lamlash.

  • Glen Estate Lunch Club:

    And Christmas Day Lunch, facilitated by ACVS but supported by wonderful volunteers on a fortnightly basis.

  • The Umbrella Project:

    Is also run by some amazing volunteers who organise art and craft activities for participants.

  • Arran Acorns:

    An intergenerational project which links pre-school children to older people within sheltered housing to socialise at fun activity sessions, bringing benefits to all involved.d.

  • Generations Together:

    at McKelvie Road brings older people and teens together for interesting chats, digital support, nail painting and crafts.

  • Befriending Arran:

    Matches people who identify themselves as looking for social contact with volunteers. They may wish to simply chat over a cup of tea or get out and about to some of the activities around the Island. All volunteers are provided with befriending network training and have gone through PVG checks. Once a year our befrienders and befriendees are invited to come together for a social gathering.

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